The Sea...

Related Affiliations & Expertise

Ship-To-Shore Cruise Agency®; Federally registered agency name and logo design
Owners/Managers; Ship-To-Shore Cruise Agency®, John Sisker and Deborah Lawson-Sisker
Qualified; Trained Cruise Counselor/Consultants with worldwide proficiency
Agencies; Affiliate of: Travel Planners International, experience as inside/outside Cruise Consultants

Cruise Lines; Private and in-depth training courses
CATS; (Cruise Agency Training School), successful graduate
CLIA; (Cruise Lines International Association), programs and seminars
NACOA; (National Association of Cruise Oriented Agencies), training and classes




Business License; Newport Beach, California BT30037681 Code 5.04-5.08...
Business Identification Number: County of Orange, California (BIN) 310 658435 13...
Account Number: 07902050-003...
Statement Number: 039...
County Recorder: 1662789...
Travel Insurance; Allianz/Travel Guard/Travel Safe/Travel Insured
California Seller of Travel; (CST) 2063964-40 (through affiliation: Travel Planners International)
CLIA Affiliations; (XXXXX292 - through affiliation: Travel Planners International)
ARC/IATA; (XXXXX292 - through affiliation: Travel Planners International)
Incorporated; (through affiliation: Travel Planners International)
Berkley Insurance/E&O; EOL9347243-00 (& through affiliation: Travel Planners International)

Related Licenses & Permits

Accredited Cruise Counselor (CLIA) - John Sisker, CID134530
Seasoned cruisers and world travelers

Personal ship inspections
Subscriptions to trade publications
Continuing education
Cruise travel writers
Destination experts
Registered with all major cruise lines
Federal trademark registration
3,542,8090 & State of California service mark 033170)

Our Agency Experience

"The sea is everything!
It covers seven-tenths of the earth.
Its breath is pure and wholesome.
The sea is an immense desert where man is never alone,
for he feels life pulsating all
about him.
The sea is nothing but the means which permits man
to lead an almost supernatural existence,
it is all movement and love."

Captain Nemo, from Jules Verne's "20,000 leagues Under The Sea" - 1870.